Macquarie University | Big Brunch Poster

YEAR 2013
CLIENT Macquarie University - Campus Engagement
PROJECT Big Brunch Poster

Macquarie University | Games Night Poster

YEAR 2013
CLIENT Macquarie University - Campus Engagement
PROJECT Games Night Poster

Grapeshot Magazine | Issue 6 Cover Photo Manipulation

YEAR 2013
CLIENT Grapeshot Magazine
PROJECT Creative Photo Retouch & Manipulation
DESCRIPTION Manipulate three different photos of the same person
onto one image and retouch any imperfections.

Macquarie Ultimate Frisbee | Website Plan & Design

YEAR 2013
CLIENT Macquarie Ultimate Frisbee
PROJECT  Website Plan & Design

Macquarie University | Wine Tasting Tour Poster

YEAR 2013
CLIENT Macquarie University - Campus Engagement
PROJECT  Wine Tasting Tour Poster

Artistic Collaborations | Website Plan & Design

YEAR 2013
CLIENT Artistic Collaborations
PROJECT Website Plan & Design Refurbish